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Intrusion Systems – Legacy

Regency 2605/2615 Operating Instructions

ARMING SYSTEM Enter access code.  If green ready light is on, all zones will be protected.  If the green

light is off and one or more of the zone lights are on, the zones in violation will not be protected.

INTERIOR ZONES To arm any zone designated as an interior zone, the interior button …

Silent Knight 2730 Operating Instructions


Enter access code. If green light is on, all zones will be protected. If green light is off and one or more of the zone lights are one, the zones in violation will not be protected.

ZONE STATUS LIGHTS 1 THROUGH 8 A) When a zone light is on, something on that zone is …

Silent Knight 2820 – Regency 4720 Operating Instructions

SYSTEM TEST To initiate a system test, press the test button then enter the master operating code.  The system will perform a display lamp test, bell test, and communicator test. RESETTING ALARMS To reset the panel from an alarm condition, enter a valid operating code. ALARM MEMORY DISPLAY To display the current alarm memory, press …

Simon XT Operation Guide

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